Laughter Yoga?
It’s fun and it’s funny! See how humor can play into the many health benefits of yoga.
Learn how laughing affects your immune system, sleep patterns and more. Comedian Pauly Shore shares his secret to staying in shape. And, comics Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd ask their biggest health questions.
Yoga master Yogi Ramesh shows plastic surgeon Dr. Drew Ordon the mind and body benefits of laughter yoga.
Watch as plastic surgeon Dr. Drew Ordon leads actor Pauly Shore and The Doctors in a laughter yoga session!
E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork explains how laughing affects your body.
Laughter Matters
“[Laughing] is similar to cardio or going to the gym [or] going to the steam room. It’s kind of a [way to] de-stress. You [can] just let go and I think that’s really important,” Pauly Shore.